Friday 1 May 2015

Favourite Places, Melbourne Spaces | 2 | Linden New Art Gallery, St Kilda

I recently visited the beautiful Linden New Art Gallery to see their 2015 Linden Art Prize exhibition. Linden New Art Gallery is a grand Victorian house built in the 1850s - think high ceilings, marble fireplaces and a personal favourite of mine, bay windows! The space is well-lit and art pieces well curated. The facade looked particularly breathtaking on a sunny autumn day!

"Pillows" at the entrance.

Upon arrival, I marvelled not only at the contemporary art, but also at the architecture of the house.

On my second walk of the exhibition, I had the pleasure of having Lynn give me a tour and insight into the works of each artist. Her enthusiasm, knowledge and fondness of the work really shone and gave me an added appreciation having known the artist intentions and workmanship.

| Stephanie Leigh - "Feminine Flatpack"

| Celeste Chandler - a very moving series of images depicting chest compressions

| Raymond Carter - you wouldn't pick it out at first, but this artwork was constructed from gaffer tape!

| Julian Aubrey Smith - amazingly realistic panting of cardboard

| Yandell Walton - a haunting projection in memory of the girls that worked at Abbotsford Convent doing laundry

| Susanna Castleden (Linden Art Prize winner) - "Building the World at the Correct Position and Correct Shape". On closer look, Susanna has presented her re-imagination of the world by rearranging the islands

Exhibitions change every 8 weeks so give it a visit!

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